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To everything there is a season
and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to reap;
    - Ecclesiastes

Welcome to SMSignals.com

SMSignals.com provides a variety of charts and stock market indicators to help you decide whether now is a good time or poor time to enter the market (or whether now is a good time or poor time to exit the market.)

Stock market timing has a bad reputation in certain circles. You will frequently hear the assertion "Market timing doesn't work", but rarely will any evidence be provided to back up this claim. We take a contrary view--that some periods offer a better time to enter the market than others, and there are times when it is better to get out of the market than to hold on.

We don't offer any specific recommendations as to when to buy and sell, but instead our purpose is to provide some useful indicators. This is still early days for us, but we have provided some charts to look at interest rate indicators. To bring up one of these charts, click on one of the links on the left sidebar.

Fresh Graphs Made Daily

Depending on the availability of the data, we plan to update our charts either weekly or daily. You probably won't need to check these indicators that often, but it may help to know that the data is fairly fresh.